Field Events will be contested on Friday. (Shot Put, Discus, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump) (Pole Vault will NOT be contested)  

Track Events will be contested on Saturday. 

ENTRIES OPEN ON ATHLETIC.NET: January 1, 2026 @ 12:00 p.m. (REGISTER HERE)

ENTRY DEADLINE: Sunday, March 15th @11:59 PM.

ACCEPTED ENTRIES: Released on on Monday, March 16th by NOON.

SCRATCHES: Scratches can be done on Coaches will be notified when the scratch window opens. Scratch deadline: Tuesday March 17th @ 7:00 PM

MEET PROGRAM/MEET FEES: Released Wednesday, March 18th @ NOON

ENTRIES: Teams will be allowed up to 3 entries per event/per level/per gender. Up to 5 entries per school/per gender will be allowed in the Varsity 3200. The top 30 entries will be placed in the Eric Hulst 3200, with the next 40 entries in the Open 3200. Not all entries are guaranteed. We will get as many athletes into the meet as possible. Only the track athletes who do not get into the meet will be listed as alternates and will be eligible to replace any scratches. Alternates will know if they are in the meet on Wednesday after all scratches are submitted Tuesday night. Alternates will not replace a meet-day scratch. No meet day adds. 

FEES: $10.00 PER ATHLETE PER EVENT, $40 PER RELAY TEAM ($500 Maximum for boys team – $500 Maximum for girls team) 

CHECKS PAYABLE TO: LBHS Athletic Boosters (Write Trophy Invite in the memo) (LBUSD W9) (Please contact the meet director ( ASAP if you prefer to pay by check on meet day) 

SEATING: Canopies will be allowed on the outfield of the baseball field and on the top row of the stands. 

FOOD/SNACKS: A snack bar and a variety of food vendors will be selling food/drinks. Meet t-shirts will be for sale for $15

PROGRAMS: Programs will be available for spectators at the entrance of the stadium. It will include the order of events, the names of athletes that are competing in each heat and event, and the Trophy Invitational records for each event.

ADMISSIONS: Adults-$10.00; Students- $5.00; under 10-free CIF Cards will be honored. Tickets available on GoFan. (HERE)

PARKING: Parking is available on the city streets around Laguna Beach High School. 

Bus Parking 

Bus Drop-off

LB City Parking Information 

AWARDS: Trophy Invite awards will be given to the top 5 performers in all events on both varsity and frosh/soph levels. The top 3 relay teams will receive medals. In case of a tie, both athletes will receive an award. Awards will be given immediately after the race. 

IN-FIELD ACCESS: Only coaches will be allowed on the infield. 

WARM-UP: The baseball field will be available as a warm-up area, as well as a team camp for canopies. Athletes will not be allowed to warm-up on the infield. On Friday, athletes may use the track infield to warm-up. 

TIMING: Finished Results timing will be timing the meet.  If there is a malfunction of the timing system, the games committee reserves the right to rerun any race where an accurate time picture is required for placing. Races may be recalled if the system does not activate.

CLERK OF THE COURSE: All runners must check in with the Clerk 15 minutes prior to their event. Please have athletes pay attention the meet has run ahead of schedule in the past. The CLERK OF THE COURSE will be located on the infield. Relay teams may check in with only one athlete; however it is the responsibility of the coach and relay athletes to be on the track for the correct race and compete in the assigned lane. If an athlete or relay team runs in the wrong race or lane they will be disqualified.


TRAINER: A trainer will be available for injured athletes only. Each school is asked to supply its own tape.

FIELD EVENTS: All field events athletes are to check-in at their event. Each athlete will be given a total of 3 efforts for the F/S & Varsity Long Jump & Triple Jump. Each athlete will be given a total of 3 efforts for the F/S Shot Put & Discus (No FS finals) and 3 efforts in the Varsity Shot Put & Discus (Top 9 advance to finals). Marks less than the standards posted will not be measured.

JUMPING EVENTS: Athletes are to report in with the jumping official when their event is called. Coaches and athletes must be aware that all event times are approximate and events may finish or start prior to their approximate times. If an athlete needs to leave a jumping event to compete in another event, they must first checkout with their field official, and then, upon the athlete's return to the jumping event, the athlete will be inserted into the current jumping flight. Athletes may also select to jump prior to their assigned flight. If an athlete returns to the jumping event after it has been completed the event will NOT be reopened.


Boys High Jump: Varsity 5′4″ Frosh/Soph 5′0” Girls High Jump: Varsity 4′2″ Frosh/Soph 4′

Long Jump & Triple Jump: Varsity 3 Attempts; F/S 3 Attempts

Shot Put & Discus:  Varsity 3 Attempts (Top 9 to Finals) F/S 3 Attempts (No Finals) 

All Discus & Shot Put implements will be weighed for accuracy before the event begins. (Varsity only)